PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. PEMF technology is a soothing and restorative modality that optimizes the self-healing and self-regulating function of the body’s cells. PEMF provides natural energy to the body with a pulsing magnetic field. Studies show that PEMF may:

  • Generate natural cellular energy

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Provide natural support for healthy joint and cartilage function

  • Assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise

  • Increase range of motion

  • Support general relaxation

Our animals are athletes that work hard for us, enduring stress on their muscles, joints and even organs, all of which are made up of the building block of life, cells. No matter what state your animal may be in, all animals can benefit from PEMF’s restorative abilities.


Bodies are made up of cells, often referred to as “the building block of life.” Just a few of the many functions of cells are to provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert nutrients into energy, eliminate waste, maintain homeostasis, and carry out specialized functions.

The trillions of cells that make up the body each have an electrical charge across them, carrying out their assigned tasks by using electrical impulses and chemical bonds. We know that when batteries are low on charge, they don’t perform to their full capacity. Similarly, biological cells that are low on charge fall short of ideal functioning.

Much like human athletes, our animals are athletes that experience stress through training. Stress, inflammation and injury all decrease the electrical charge of a cell, ultimately disrupting cellular cycles and preventing cells from carrying out their intended purposes. Moreover, an inflamed cell is a congested cell as receptors are blunted, nutrients and toxins cannot move normally and, overall, function is impaired.

However, much like rechargeable batteries, cells can be recharged to function optimally. PEMF technology moves ions and stimulates cellular respiration and reproduction, ultimately leading to the recharging of cells and increased cellular energy, enhancing the body’s own innate ability to repair itself. Some of the most basic benefits of PEMF include:

  • Increased circulation, ultimately promoting tissue healing and regeneration

  • Enhanced muscle function

  • Maximized ATP production

  • Increased waste elimination and cellular detoxification

  • Accelerated recovery time

  • Boosted cellular regeneration and repair

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Increased relaxation and decreased muscle tension

  • Increased blood oxygenation

  • Improved mobility and range of motion

Ultimately, PEMF impacts the body in such a way that it sets up the environment for cells to accomplish their intended purposes and for the body to heal itself. It is important to note that PEMF does not diagnose, treat or cure any conditions, but promotes the body's natural self-healing abilities.


PEMF sessions are extremely helpful as part of a whole-body wellness program. Every session is a full body session since an injury in one place leads to compensation in others, and all cells can benefit from pulsing.

Sessions typically last 60 minutes depending on the size of your animal. Over the course of a session, PEMF may help pinpoint areas of inflammation indicated by several reactions such as muscle fasciculations, animal mannerisms, and change in suppleness. Extra time is spent in these areas and each session is tracked in order to understand how your animal improves after receiving consistent PEMF sessions.

PEMF is non-invasive, gentle and relaxing--no sedation is required. After animals are introduced to the machine and accessory loops, the session begins and animals quickly relax. Oftentimes, they will stretch, doze off and show other signs of enjoyment!

To find out more about sessions and booking, visit the services page.


Electromagnetic fields have been used in the wellness space for decades, and research is extensive. The research papers listed here are just a few of the many readily available.

 1) Jeon HS, Kang SY, Park JH, Lee HS. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on delayed-onset muscle soreness in biceps brachii. Phys Ther Sport. 2015;16(1):34-39. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2014.02.006.

"Overall, the application of the PEMF was found to be effective in reducing the physiological deficits associated with DOMS [delayed onset muscle soreness], including improved recovery of perceived muscle soreness, MDF, and EMD during isometric contraction."

2) Lee NR, Kim SB, Heo H, Lee YH. Comparison of the Effects of Manual Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, and Electromagnetic Field Stimulation at Acupuncture Point BL15 on Heart Rate Variability. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2016;9(5):257-263. doi:10.1016/j.jams.

"In conclusion, we found that manual acupuncture and electromagnetic field stimulation at BL15 using manual acupuncture and a PEMF (2 Hz and 460 gauss) caused identical patterns for the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. 

3) Beebe SJ, Lai, N, Hani, M, Lassiter, BP, & Kolterman, T. (2019, February 12). PEMF - Its Correlation to Enhanced Energy, Endurance, and Performance.

“The periodic increase in blood flow during the PEMF treatment regimen provides more nutrients and better oxygen - carbon dioxide exchange in skeletal muscle and a potential for greater energy production.” "PEMFs increase heat-independent blood-flow to skeletal muscle after treatment. Increased blood flow, like that during exercise, enhances nutrient delivery and facilitates gas exchange in active or injured tissues."

4) Iwasa K, Reddi AH. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and Tissue Engineering of the Joints. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2018;24(2):144-154. doi:10.1089/ten.TEB.2017.0294

"Positive effects of PEMF on chondrocytes and cartilage were also demonstrated in in vivo studies."

5) Funk RH. (2018, May 15). Coupling of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) therapy to molecular grounds of the cell.

"Furthermore, PEMF can lead to chondroprotective effects on joint cartilage in animal models" 

6) Beebe SJ, Lai N, Hani M, Lassiter BP, & Kolterman T, Kummitha CM, Tanaz R, (2019, March 26). Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) on Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages. 

“PEMF effects on macrophages* can enhance the body’s curative mechanisms to possibly clear infections and tissue damage, dissipate inflammation, and promote healing.”

*To locate the research referenced here and find more, visit Also be sure to check out Pulse PEMF’s “The Science Behind PEMF”*